- Обем: 279 стр.
- Формат в мм: 165х235
- Дата на включване: 04-05-2001
- Категория: География
- Издател: АИ "Проф. Марин Дринов"
Меки корици
The earthquake (m 7.8). Sourse zone-south-west Bulgaria
The set ofmacroseismic maps and the catalogue have been created according to the decisions of the ASEPELEA Project (ERBIC97CT0200 - with EC) working group. The Kresna Kroupnik earthquake source zone (SW Bulgaria) has been selected as a test site for the performance of the new sophisticated methods about the seismic potential assessment of the mair big and active seismogenic zones in Europe. For the solution of this problem the data base has been created consisting maps and a new full catalogue for the area limited within the coordinates 41.5-42.4°N and 22.8-23.8°E.